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اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية Gust1110

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اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية Gust1110

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 اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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طالب(ة)مرشح للإشراف(ة)

الجنس انثى
عدد الرسائل : 437
العمر : 34
العمل/الترفيه : إعلام آلي
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/10/2012

اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية   اسئلة مسابقة توظيف اساتذة التعليم الثانوي تخصص انجليزية Emptyالأربعاء 10 أكتوبر 2012, 19:15

The text
since i was a little girl,i knew that i wanted to teach.While i was
growing up i had a chalkboard in my room and i used to pretend i was a
taecher to my teddy bears.My dad is a high school teacher and i always
wanted to help him correct his students’ work.I also knew that i wanted
to teach young children.I did not want to go into the high school to
teach.I always loved children,i started to baby sit by the time i was
13.While i would baby sit,i always tried to help them with their
homework and do anything that would be educational.Teaching has always
been a passion and now i am starting to live it out.My mother always
asks me why i want to do this.My answer is simple.I love children and i
want to be part of their growth,not just intelectually but also
emotionally.I experienced so many amazing things in this job that i
would like to give some recommendations to new teachers.
a new teacher of English,you’ll have your hands full with correcting
grading papers,preparing lesson plans,setting exams,managing classes and
attending meetings.As a result ,it’s almost expected that you’ll feel
near your braeking point at least once during your first year.To pravent
total insanity, and to achieve the right balance of
responsibilities,refer to these tips.
expect too much of yourself as a novice teacher.You won’t be an expert
the first year,and no one expects you to be .Rely on the fact that you
know your ******* ;those ‘’teacher skills’’ will come from experience.
the school year begins,make sure you have solide classroom rules and
procedures for your students to follow, and that they are displayed
somewhere in your room.You should also be familiar with the school’s
mandated rules and procedures.By completing this step,you’ll be
effectively prepared to meet the biggest challenge you’ll face as a
novice :managing your classroom.
addition,prepare lesson plans as well as yearly planning even before
the school year begins.You never know when you might need sub plans,and
it’s easier to prpare them when you’re feeling well.But ,to do this,you
must be familiar with reference documents that help you understand the
approach and the finalities to implement.Make sure that planning is
vital.If your students are not engaged by your additional chores like
meeting with the head taecher and calling parents.Avoid stress by being
prpared for class.
,if possible,subscribe to educational websites. The websites might
include assigned homework, the date of upcoming tests and porjects,your
contact information, and links to important handouts.Youl’ll save time
and frustration by offering this servise to your studenr and their often
needy parents.
If your
school doesn’t automaticlly offer you a mentor, ask for help.It is often
said that a teacher’s survival is based on his ability to ask for
lesson ideas.Don’t be ashamed to do this.You have a right to be annoying
; you’re teinr to survive !This simply means that you worry,and you are
eager to learn……………
1- Answer the following questions according to the text.
a-Is the writer an experienced or nivice teacher ?How do you know
b-Which’ teacher skills’ does the writer reffer to ?List at least two.
c- Why should teachers have solide classroom rules and procedures
d-List down at least two reference documents you know.
e-Which biggest challenge does the writer refer to
f-In which paragraph does the wrietr refer to the use of the internet resources
2-What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to
3-Give the *****alent to each of the following words.
a)Amazing b)insanity c)vital d)finalities
4-Give suitable tittle to the text.
5-Text exploration :
1.Add two more words to each list of words.
textbook markbook …………. ………….
rewarding challenging …………. ………….
educator conselor …………. ………….
2.Which nouns can be derived from the following words ?
a-to know b- to expect c-to assign d- effective
3.Add the right prefix to get the opposite of the following words.
a-experienced b-learning c-conduct d-approve
4.In each sentence,there is one word missing.Rewrite the sentence with the missing word.
a)Arrive time or early.
b)Dress proffessionally-like a teacher a college student.
c)Be a facilitator, and use english so that your students understand what you are saying.
d)Plan your lessons carefully to get your students.
e)Always guide,help and your students while working.
f)Assess the work at the of each session.
5.Rewrite the following scrambled sentences in a coherent paragraph.
a-That includes how you want students to behave towards you and one another ;
b-Abd how you want your classroom to feel.
c-Before school starts,take sometime to sitdown and brainstorm all your expectations.
d-How you want the day-to-day activities and transitions to be performed ;
6.Rewrite sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a.
succes and be ready to start.One day,you’ll get a notification to
teach,and it won’t be for just a day,’’he adviced me.
b.He adviced……
2.a.I could choose another job because i didn’t know that teaching is so demanding.
b.If i had known that teaching was so demanding……..
3.a.I regret deeply having punished him so severly.
b.I wish i…..
7.Underline the steressed syllable in the following words.
a)Education b)responsibilities c)emotions d)intelectual.
Writen expression :-
Choose one of the following topics.
Topic1 :
tht reading passage,the writer gave some types to novice teachers,which
other types could you add in a paragraph of six lines ?
Topic2 :
Apart from teaching,which other jobs do you think you can do ?show your skills and reasons in doing this job.
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